jeltsch's blog

How to import sequences from SRS into GCK2.5

Obviously you can import sequences into GCK2.5 directly from Genbank. But usually you are working with a web tool like SRS and end up having your sequences displayed in your browser. From SRS version 7 the import goes as follows: From your fancy display, click SAVE. From the pull-down menu "Use view" select * Complete Entries *. Then "Output to" FILE (TEXT). Check under "Save as type" SAVE TABEL AS ASCii TABLE/TEXT WITH. Click SAVE and save it somewhere with the file extension .ebl. Then from within GCK2.5 select IMPORT and select the file. Ready.

Running wine from a real windows install

I thought wine might run better from a real windows install. So I resized my partitions to free some 8 GB space. Unfortunately the partitioning software was not really great as I lost one of my partitions (the one where I had stored all of my downloads...). So I decided to go for a clean start and formatted the whole hard disk. First I partitioned the disk using cfdisk.
