jeltsch's blog

Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 under wine

I reinstalled Acrobat 5 to run it under wine. It didn't work. The reason appeared to be again a plugin: DocBox.api. After removing it everything went smoothly. Already before (using RedHat 9) I have had trouble with a Acrobat plugin (it was WebPDF.api at that time). Most manipulation of pdf files can be easily done with Linux tools, but one thing is tricky: cropping already existing pdf files. That's why I need Acrobat.

Creating groups and changing group membership in Mac OS X

I want to store some files on a Macintosh (OS 10.2). They should be in the Public folder, but only accessible (= only readable) by certain people. Thus I would like to create a new group that has accession rights to these files. Strangely, the group command doesn't exist on MacOS X (chgrp does exist though). I downloaded the User Manager application. But the version for OS 10.2 was not really easy to use. Thus I used the NetInfo Manager.

Apache on Mac OS X

I still use one of our ancient Macintoshs (Blue/White G3) as a web server ( I had set up some access restrictions for some of the pages containing confidential data. And of course I forgot how I did it. Now I needed to figure out as I wanted to add some new stuff. For the general server, the accession is restricted based on individual .htaccess files in directories.
