jeltsch's blog

Staden 1.4 and Suse 9

I installed today the new Staden package (version 1.4) to my Suse 9. I included the lines:

export STADENROOT=/usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4 . $STADENROOT/staden.profile

in my ~/.bashrc file.
After this kprinter broke with the following error:

kprinter: /usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4/lib/linux-binaries/ no version information available (required by /opt/kde3/lib/

Formating an mounting an external firewire reiserfs disk

I didn't know how to format an unformatted drive under Linux. I attached a firewire case with an old 12 GB Macintosh-formatted HD to my computer. In order to format it with reiserfs, I used Yast2. I had to go to expert mode and rewrite the partition table. By this action Yast2 puts an entry into the fstab, that I modified to:

/dev/sda1 /media/firewire reiserfs noauto,user 0 0

since I don't want to have it connected every time I boot up. Instead I can now mount it as a regular user manually with:

mount /media/tmp/
