jeltsch's blog

Making a Suse RPM for the Staden Package

As the binaries work on all Suse distributions, I though to skip the build process and just have the binaries unpacked by rpm and then add the suse-specific files to the correct places. These additional files are mainly kde.desktop files, icons and

export STADENROOT=/usr/local/staden-linux-1-4-1

and sourcing


in ~/.bashrc.

Thus the unpacking would be just
tar --extract --verbose --gzip --absolute-names --file=staden-linux-1-4-1.tar.gz


Desktop Integration of Staden into KDE 3.2

Two things have to be accomplished: 1. The menu should contain appropriate entries. 2. The files should be clickable and have appropriate "Open with" entries. 1. is easy to do. The (systemwide) entries for the menu are in /opt/kde3/share/applnk. I just added an addiitonal directory structure under this directory: Science `-- Staden |-- Gap4.desktop |-- Pregap4.desktop |-- Spin.desktop |-- Stadenlaunch.desktop `-- Trev.desktop If you edit the menu as a regular user, the entries are only valid for yourself.

DCOPserver error during KDE login

Yesterday my laptop ran out of power and during the emergency shutdown stuff got apparently screwed up. When I tried to log into KDE this morning, I got the following error message: There was an arror setting up inter-process communication for KDE /home/jeltsch/.DCOPserver_michael-laptop__0 could not read network connection list Please check that "dcopserver" is running This is again a very non-informative error message.
