jeltsch's blog

Wheel Mouse trouble with Suse Linux 9.2 (SaX2, xorg.conf, explorerps/2, ZAxisMapping)

I wanted to activate the wheen of my USB mouse, but everytime I went to Yast2 > Hardware > Mouse the X server crashed and threw me into a text console. Also using SaX2 didn't work (there is a button under Input devices > Properties > Activate mouse wheel). Funnily the wheel usind to work in 9.1.

Firewall configuration programs (fwbuilder, yast2, iptables, Brickwall/Brickhouse)

Configuring the firewall by hand using iptables is quite difficult. When we still used RedHat 8.1 we have been doing it but now not anymore. We have been using yast2 now for firewall configuration. An alternative to yast2 is fwbuilder. We tried it once and it seems to work although the code it produces is quite large compared to manual configuration. An obvious advantage is that fwbuilder can be used together with many different types of firewalls and operating systems (e.g. also Mac OS X).

Build-in package selection during Suse Linux install (autoyast, network install)

When you install Suse Linux, the installer offers you only three choices: minimal, KDE and Gnome. Everytime I do an install I end up manually selecting lots of packages (and I forget often many which I have to add later). Yast offers the possibility to save the package selection of a currently installed system. But how to I load such a selection file (*.sel) during installation? Apparently you can load it from the hard disk or the floppy disk. But the hard disk is usually formatted for a new install and many computers (especially portables) don't have floppy drives anymore.
