Installation of Duplicate File Finder

I was making order among my 50000+ files in my home directory and realized that I had multiple copies of the same file in different directories. Therefore I was looking for some convenient way to find those duplicates and to delete them.
There are several applications that do something like this. However, none is perfect. E.g. mp3 files of the same song, but with a different id3 tag will be recognized by most programs as being different, whereas they might be essentially the same apart from the metadata in the id3 tag.

I settled for Duplicate File Finder, a java application. Installation required JavaUnix, which appeared to be tricky to install.

First of all, I needed to install the java2 SDK. The default on Suse Linux 9 is that only the runtime environment (java3-jre) is installed.

For configuration and compilation to succeed (thanks to Ian Ballantyne) one needs to append the current install directory to the path:

export PATH=$PATH:.

But now the program crashes complaining that

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no javaunix in java.library.path

Again I got some help:


makes it work. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set on my system. When you install the Staden package, it sets this variable to "/usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4/lib/linux-binaries". You can copy the file to the location that is given in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.