I have installed Staden on MacOS X and have been playing around with it. I used the ebiotools package created by Anders Nisters described in issue 10/1 of the embnet.news for the installation. It works, although not according to the Mac philosophy:
After realizing that e.g. /usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4/linux-bin/trev is actually a shell script I added two lines to its beginning to start Apple's X11 and to set the DISPLAY correctly. This is one step less for launching. Then I started to wrap this shell script into cocoa (that's what you need to make it work from the GUI), but this is where it broke. There are a few free applications that wrap shell scripts into cocoa (e.g. Platypus) but I had no success with any of them. In theory they create a clickable and even dropable cocoa application out scripts (including shell and tcl scripts), but they didn't live up to their promises yet. But I am working on it because 5 people in my lab are waiting for that... I have identified two problems:
ln -s ../../../trev
I tried to use Platypus "make dropable" option, but platypus always crashes when this option is selected, even with very simple shell scripts. I tried another application to create a dropable wrapper: DropScript. This application indeed creates a droppable cocoa script! However, when you click its cocoa icon it doesn't start up the application without file, but just opens a cocoa applications from which you can open files (and after you have done that, it launches the staden apllication). I might figure out how the DropScript-created cocoa wrapper makes itself droppable and one could transfer this feature to the Platypus wrapper.