Poster printing without an A0 printer
By jeltsch on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 12:22I failed to prepare my poster for the GRC conference on Molecular Mechanisms in Lymphatic Function & Disease in time.
I failed to prepare my poster for the GRC conference on Molecular Mechanisms in Lymphatic Function & Disease in time.
pdftk A=input_odd_pages.pdf B=input_even_pages.pdf shuffle A B output collated.pdf
(from the pdftk package)pdfposter -m A3 -p A2 Periodic-Table_A2.pdf Periodic-Table_2xA3.pdf
pdfposter -m A3 -s1 Poster.pdf Poster_split_to_A3.pdf
While reading about ps2pdf (which is just a commandline front-end to ghostscript), I realized that despite its simple appearance, ps2pdf has almost all capabilities of Acrobat 5. ps2pdf14 outputs Acrobat 5-compatible files. According to the documentation strong password protection should be possible, however, I never managed with that.
In theory the following commands should work:
-sOwnerPassword= and -sUserPassword=
In order to set the key length to 128 you have to use
ps2pdf14 -dEncryptionR=3 -dKeylength=128