
smb mounts via fstab or automount?

I have many computers I need to connect to from my Linux box. Network browsing works, but is terribly slow, so I want to create some shortcuts, that I can mount with a single mouseclick what I need from a list. First I thought to modify the fstab and put there entries that would allow me to easily mount smb shares as a normal user. E.g.:

//paula/michael /media/smbmounts smbfs noauto,user,credentials=/home/jeltsch/.smbpasswd1 0 0

Formating an mounting an external firewire reiserfs disk

I didn't know how to format an unformatted drive under Linux. I attached a firewire case with an old 12 GB Macintosh-formatted HD to my computer. In order to format it with reiserfs, I used Yast2. I had to go to expert mode and rewrite the partition table. By this action Yast2 puts an entry into the fstab, that I modified to:

/dev/sda1 /media/firewire reiserfs noauto,user 0 0

since I don't want to have it connected every time I boot up. Instead I can now mount it as a regular user manually with:

mount /media/tmp/

How to mount a partition formatted with UFS (UNIX file system) and the partitioner included with the MacOS X installer

fdisk is not really able to read the partition table that the Macintosh installer writes. To figure out what you have you can e.g. use the Yast partitoning tool. mount -t ufs -o ufstype=openstep -o ro /dev/sda3 /media/misc
