
Tunneling of remote X11 output to a local machine behind a firewall (ssh, X11, ForwardX11)

If X11 forwarding is globally disallowed in your local machine, you need to override this by editing ~/.ssh/config: Host ForwardX11 yes Then you just ssh into the remote machine ssh -X And execute some program that outputs to X11, e.g.: xclock &

Using ssh in scripts (one-click secure VNC connection using krdc)

Using ssh in scripts (one-click secure VNC connection using krdc) I wanted to establish a VNC connection that is tunneled via ssh and just by one click. I created a shell script with the following content: !/bin/sh ssh -L 5902: -f -N jeltsch@ krdc localhost:2 The ssh connection remains open in the background until the krdc application has finished.
