x11vnc as a nxserver replacement
By jeltsch on Thu, 11/29/2012 - 23:19Now that nomachine's great nxclient is defunct on MacOS X and its new nxplayer is still in beta (and completely nonfunctional on my setup), I needed another solution to
Now that nomachine's great nxclient is defunct on MacOS X and its new nxplayer is still in beta (and completely nonfunctional on my setup), I needed another solution to
BackupPC seems to be a cool application. Except for the fact that it is not easy to start working with in the first place. I downloaded BackupPC-2.0.0.tar.gz and installed it into the directory /usr/local/backuppc. Then I executed the config.pl and answered all I could. The place where I want to backup my stuff is my second hard drive /dev/hdb5 which is formatted as reiserfs and mounted at /mnt/hdb. After the config script there was a new directory in /mnt/hdb: backuppc, which contained 6 other directories: conf, cpool, log, pc, pool and trash.
I want to store some files on a Macintosh (OS 10.2). They should be in the Public folder, but only accessible (= only readable) by certain people. Thus I would like to create a new group that has accession rights to these files. Strangely, the group command doesn't exist on MacOS X (chgrp does exist though). I downloaded the User Manager application. But the version for OS 10.2 was not really easy to use. Thus I used the NetInfo Manager.