Reset MacOSX user passwords
By jeltsch on Sun, 04/28/2013 - 14:58- Boot up with command key and S key pressed (Single user mode)
- fsck -fy
- mount -uw /
- password username
Resize all tif images in the current directory:
mogrify -resize 25% 25% *.tif
Resize all jpeg images in the current directory to a width of 614 pixels and keep the image ratio constant:
mogrify -resize 614 *.jpg
As above, but resize the hight to 614 pixels:
mogrify -resize x614 *.jpg
Convert all bmp imgaes in the current directory into tiff images:
mogrify -format tiff *.bmp
Compress all tiff images in the current directory with ZIP compression:
K3b seems to be the best GUI for burning CDs on Linux. But today it failed to burn an image file (bin/cue) and I don't know why. So I used:
cdrdao write --device /dev/cdrecorder --speed 8 filename.cue