
Installation of Duplicate File Finder

I was making order among my 50000+ files in my home directory and realized that I had multiple copies of the same file in different directories. Therefore I was looking for some convenient way to find those duplicates and to delete them.
There are several applications that do something like this. However, none is perfect. E.g. mp3 files of the same song, but with a different id3 tag will be recognized by most programs as being different, whereas they might be essentially the same apart from the metadata in the id3 tag.

kaptain on Suse Linux 9

I am currently trying out several graphical front ends for the molecular software package EMBOSS and I have read good reviews of kaptain. However, because there are no rpm packages of kaptain for Suse Linux 9 available, I tried to compile it myself. First problem was that the configure script couldn't find the libraries and headers for qt3:

> checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!

Thus I executed ./configure with the option:
