
Recursive grep

grep (case-insensitive, recursive) grep doesn't offer any possibility to recursively descent down the directory tree. The following command searches e.g. just thru all the files in the current directory:

grep bacteria *

To make the search case-insensitive, one can use the i flag:

grep -i bacteria *

But if you want to do a recursive search you have to use a quite complicated construction of UNIX commands to achieve this goal:

find ~/Mail -type f -exec grep 'bacteria' {} \; -print

Specifying a default working directory (Path) for Acrobat via acroread.desktop file

Acrobat starts always with ~ as the working directory. Because I keep all my pdf files in a seperate directory, I have to do quite some navigation before I can save them. This is especially bad as the Acrobat save as window displays all files including hidden files. Thus I would like Acrobat to use always ~/Documents/pdf as working directory. The .desktop file specification defines for Type=Application the entry Path= which is supposed to define the working directory.

Suse Linux 9.1

I bought the boxed version of Suse Linux 9.1. The update went quite smoothly. Although it reported about 1500 package conflicts, they were all just consequences of kopete 0.81 (my icq client) and vlc 0.71 (my video player). I resolved the conflicts by first unprotecting the non-Suse packages that I had installed and then risking system inconsistencies. However, after the update both kopete and vlc still functioned. On the other hand VMWare 4.0.5 broke but updating to 4.5.1 helped.
