
Webalizer on our server

The log files of virtual hosts are located in /var/log/httpd/vhost_name/ and named vhost_name-access_log etc. Webalizer config files for each virtual host are located in /etc/webalizer/ and are named vhost_name.conf. Also history files (vhost_name.hist and vhost_name.current) are located in the same directory. For each virtual host the following are edited in the config files: LogFile, OutputDir, HistoryName, IncrementalName, HostName. Webalizer is run as a daily cron job: [root@localhost] cat /etc/cron.daily/00webalizer !

Mplayer is probably the best video player (and mencoder the best encoder)

Because the videodata recorded by dunerec is in some strange mpeg flavour it occupied quite a bit of diskspace. 2 hours approximately 5 GB. that is why I was looking for an easy way to convert the mpeg into divx. After unsuccessfully palying with transcode, I managed with mencoder. Mencoder is included with Mplayer and there is an RPM for Suse Linux 9.1. My first try was to encode a TV recording. I did in 2 passes, meaning I execute the first command and wait until it finished and then execute the second command.
