
The Debian Package manager (apt-cache, apt-get, install, search)

Search for packages containing the word emacs in their name or description:
apt-cache search emacs
Install package emacs21:
apt-get install emacs21
Remove package wine including all configuration files:
apt-get remove --purge wine
Reinstall a package:
apt-get --reinstall install wine
Sometimes, you need to use dpkg to reconfigure a package, e.g. here the bittorrent sync package:
dpkg-reconfigure btsync

Keyboard layout under xfce (Debian Testing, XF86Config)

We installed Debian Testing onto our old 333MHz/128MB Compaq M300. We had Suse Linux 9.2. It worked well, but was quite slow. Suse, RedHat and Mandrake are nowadays like Windows: bloated. Debian Testing was much faster and we changed from KDE to xfce. No problems, we just had to adjust the keyboard layout in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 from us to fi Section "InputDevice" Option "XkbLayout" "us"
