
Where KAdressbook stores its data and settings (kabc)

Of course in ~/.kde/share/apps, but if you have one hundred kde apllications and the programmers didn't manage to come up with a descriptive name for the configuration directory, you are in trouble. KAdressbook stores the data in ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc Additonally there might be for all applications (and there is for KAdressbook) the rc configuration file in ~/.kde/share/config/ ~/.kde/share/config/kaddressbookrc

Mouting of encrypted partitions under SuSE 9.3 (losetup, cryptotab, twofish256, twofishSL92)

I have one encrypted partition that was created under SuSE 9.2. After a fresh install of 9.3 (not an update) the mounting of that partition during bootup failed. I could, however, still mount it manually later using another loopdevice. To fix this, I had to change the encryption algorithm in /etc/cryptotab from twofish256 to twofishSL92. More detailed information.

Migrating the Mad Thought Blog to a new server (mysql, php)

  1. Dump the database data mysqldump --host=localhost --user=root -p journal >journal.sql
  2. Create the databse on the new machine mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE journal;
  3. Import the data into the database mysql -p -h localhost journal < journal.sql
  4. Create the user 'journal' GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'journal'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'journal' WITH GRANT OPTION;
