
aMule on our server (what ports to open?)

I installed the aMule RPMs from from Packman. Then I needed to start up aMule once in GUI mode to set up the remote control web interface (enable all remote access and disable unix sockets and give passwords). Thereafter you can just start the aMule daemon via the command line amuled. Sometimes amuleweb fails to load when you start amuld, in such a case you should execute amuleweb separately. After this you can connect to aMule's own web server. I opened TCP port 4662 and UDP ports 4672 and 4665 and on our router I forwarded port 4662 to the machine running aMule.

Exporting automounted partitions via nfs

We are accessing data from our server via nfs. The nfs exports are automounted on the nfs clients' computers. It works fine. However there is a partition (a whole drive in fact) on our server that is automounted on demand. We wanted this hard drive to unmount automatically if it is not needed to save energy and reduce noise levels. When I include the mountpoint of this partition in /etc/exports everything seems to work fine, but automounting this export on a client machine fails. It can still be mounted manually though with a regular mount command.

Converting Mac text files into UNIX text files (tr)

If you though text files are all the same, you are wrong. Mac text file lines end with a carriage return (CR, ASCII 13), UNIX text file lines with a line feed (LF, ACII 10) and Microsoft Windows text file lines end with a combination of 2 characters: CR followed by LF. From Mac to Unix you convert with this command line: tr '\015' '\012' < in_file > out_file
