
Converting Mac text files into UNIX text files (tr)

If you though text files are all the same, you are wrong. Mac text file lines end with a carriage return (CR, ASCII 13), UNIX text file lines with a line feed (LF, ACII 10) and Microsoft Windows text file lines end with a combination of 2 characters: CR followed by LF. From Mac to Unix you convert with this command line: tr '\015' '\012' < in_file > out_file

How to mount a partition formatted with UFS (UNIX file system) and the partitioner included with the MacOS X installer

fdisk is not really able to read the partition table that the Macintosh installer writes. To figure out what you have you can e.g. use the Yast partitoning tool. mount -t ufs -o ufstype=openstep -o ro /dev/sda3 /media/misc

Using ssh in scripts (one-click secure VNC connection using krdc)

Using ssh in scripts (one-click secure VNC connection using krdc) I wanted to establish a VNC connection that is tunneled via ssh and just by one click. I created a shell script with the following content: !/bin/sh ssh -L 5902: -f -N jeltsch@ krdc localhost:2 The ssh connection remains open in the background until the krdc application has finished.
