
Importing email from Kontact to Apple's Mail App

1. If you store your email in Kontact as mbox files just straightforwardly import them into Apple's Mail application.

2. If you store your email as mailbox folders, the procedure is a bit more complicated. - in each mail folder to be imported run the script converting mailbox into mbox (the script doesn't support nested folders so one has to run it for each folder separately, spaces are not allowed for the script to work) - import mbox into Mail TBC...

Keeping preferences and similar stuff (e.g. password files, bookmarks) in sync between two different Linux distributions (unison)

I use unison to keep my kwallet syncronized between SuSE Linux 9.3 and 10.0. Of course one can use the same /home partition for both distros, but this can cause trouble due to differences in the program versions. Thus I only share /home/user/Documents among the distros and have separate /home/user/.preference files, some of which I syncronize during shutdown.
This is the /home/user/.unison/shared_resources.prf file:
