NFS shares & automount

On each computer on the network there is an NFS server running, starting at bootup (edit the runlevel to enable that). In Suse Linux, NFS shares can be configured in YAST (NFS server configuration) or directly in /etc/exports file. Don't configure the remote root to act as local root! Shares should be configured to be accessed only from the local network or /media/downloads/,sync) UIDs have to be the same on all computers for the permissions to work properly. In case they are different you can change them in YAST. After the changes files and directories will have the old user id set as the owner, so you'll have to change the owner globally: chown -R --from=1001 marzena / Change also permissions for hidden files in the home directory: /home/marzena chown -R --from=1001 marzena .[a-zA-Z0-9]* NFS shares are accessed by other computers with automount, not configured in /etc/fstab! Automount configuration:

  1. Edit /etc/auto.master to set the master mount point(s) and mapping file for it(them) /mnt /etc/auto.mounts
  2. Edit /etc/auto.mounts to set mount points' names, remote shares and mount options
    webserver -fstype=nfs server://var/www The share will be mounted once you access directory /mnt/webserver.
  3. Restart automount deamon /etc/init.d/autofs restart