I started to teach my son programming and we both are enjoying it. First we did a bit of html/php since he wanted to make an online quiz on his website, but now we started to work through the (German) book "Python für Kids" (http://python4kids.net). I chosen Python because it's a modern, easy-to-read language, and nowadays probably the most popular first choice for starting programmers. It's open source, easy to install on any system and you can get write powerful programs after a short learning period. Python for Kids uses the Turtle module, which enables a graphics-oriented introduction into programming. The graphics on the left is one of the results. Another very useful Python teaching resource for kids is Code Club.
Python is also a very good choice for biologists and bioinformaticians, but since it is a multi-purpose language, you don't limit yourself to certain tasks. There is Biopython, which is a very good toolset for the handling of DNA and protein sequences and even 3D structures.