Apache on Mac OS X

I still use one of our ancient Macintoshs (Blue/White G3) as a web server (msbl.helsinki.fi). I had set up some access restrictions for some of the pages containing confidential data. And of course I forgot how I did it. Now I needed to figure out as I wanted to add some new stuff. For the general server, the accession is restricted based on individual .htaccess files in directories. In my own user directory (msbl.helsinki.fi/~michael) only one folder is access restricted (msbl.helsinki.fi/~michael/presentations/confidential). This setting is done in the main configuration file of Apache (/etc/httpd/httpd.conf) and only two users (michael and mcbl) have access via the following entry:

<Directory /Users/michael/Sites/presentations/confidential>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Confidental"
AuthUserFile /Users/michael/.htpasswd
require user michael mcbl