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Gerhardt H, Golding M, Fruttiger M, Ruhrberg C, Lundkvist A, Abramsson A, u. a.. VEGF guides angiogenic sprouting utilizing endothelial tip cell filopodia. J Cell Biol [Internet]. 2003;161(6):1163 - 77. Icon Holger Gerhardt et al., The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2003 (2.24 MB)
Kukk E, Lymboussaki A, Taira S, Kaipainen A, Jeltsch M, Joukov V, u. a.. VEGF-C receptor binding and pattern of expression with VEGFR-3 suggests a role in lymphatic vascular development. Development [Internet]. 1996;122(12):3829 - 37. Icon Eola Kukk et al., Development 1996 (805.94 KB)
Rauniyar K. VEGF-C: The evolutionary origin, activation, and potential as a drug target [Internet]. [Helsinki. Finland]: University of Helsinki; 2023. Icon Rauniyar - 2023 - VEGF-C: The evolutionary origin, activation, and potential as a drug target (3.09 MB)
Krebs R, Tikkanen JM, Ropponen JO, Jeltsch M, Jokinen JJ, Ylä-Herttuala S, u. a.. VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 Signaling Regulates Inflammatory Response in Development of Obliterative Airway Disease. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2011;30:S118 - S118.
Jeltsch M. VEGFR-3 Ligands and Lymphangiogenesis [Internet]. University of Helsinki. 2002. Icon Michael Jeltsch, PhD Thesis, 2002 (1.75 MB)
