Syncronizing Psion3a address database with KDE's address book

I have an old Psion 3a which I use mainly as an alarm clock during vacation when I have to catch a train or plane. To make it more useful, I decided to put all my addresses to its database. The database format is some strange format (.dbf). The database application of the Psion 3a cannot import any other format and the only format it can export in is a text file where each field is seperated from the next by a delimiter character (by default linefeed) and each record is seperated from the next by an empty line (or an empty line if linefeed is the delimiter). The PsiWin application on a PC can open the dbf format and export in a variety of formats (hopefully). So the way to get all my addresses into the Psion would be (they are in MacOSX's addressbook format at the moment) to get them first into KDE's address book and then export from there in a format that PsiWin can read and use PsiWin to save in the dbf format that the Psion can read.