
Acrobat Reader 5.07 for Linux

There is an rpm for Acrobat Reader 5.07 for Linux from Gurulabs. It anyway didn't work on my machine, so I had to stick to the old reader (version 4.05 that is). But today I found a fix on the web:

OK, this is the error message:

$ /usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread
$ Warning: charset "UTF-8" not supported, using "ISO8859-1".
$ Aborted

But editing the acroread file (/usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread) really works. After the line:


Specifying a default working directory (Path) for Acrobat via acroread.desktop file

Acrobat starts always with ~ as the working directory. Because I keep all my pdf files in a seperate directory, I have to do quite some navigation before I can save them. This is especially bad as the Acrobat save as window displays all files including hidden files. Thus I would like Acrobat to use always ~/Documents/pdf as working directory. The .desktop file specification defines for Type=Application the entry Path= which is supposed to define the working directory.