
The PATH in Suse Linux 9 (/etc/profile.local)

Several software installations modify the PATH environment variable. There are many different file that are read during bootup that contribute to the final PATH variable. Several software installs, however, break exisiting PATH entries. Among them is the Staden package. The staden installation instruction advise to include the following lines in ~/.bashrc:

export STADENROOT=/usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4 . $STADENROOT/staden.profile

In order to quickfix PATH problems, you can give the full path that you need in /etc/profile.local:

Specifying a default working directory (Path) for Acrobat via acroread.desktop file

Acrobat starts always with ~ as the working directory. Because I keep all my pdf files in a seperate directory, I have to do quite some navigation before I can save them. This is especially bad as the Acrobat save as window displays all files including hidden files. Thus I would like Acrobat to use always ~/Documents/pdf as working directory. The .desktop file specification defines for Type=Application the entry Path= which is supposed to define the working directory.