desktop integration

Desktop Integration of the Staden Package in KDE on Suse Linux 9

I have installed the Staden package on my laptop. In order to convince other people from my lab to use it, it must be very easy to use. Ideally, they should just need to select some sequences, click and the preprocessing and assembly should be done automatically. In order to achieve that I did the following: I created new mime types for the file manager Konqueror. Konqueror needs this to realize what it should do with a file (or several of them) when you click on them. Go to: Start Menu -> Control center -> KDE Components -> File Associations.

Desktop Integration of Staden into KDE 3.2

Two things have to be accomplished: 1. The menu should contain appropriate entries. 2. The files should be clickable and have appropriate "Open with" entries. 1. is easy to do. The (systemwide) entries for the menu are in /opt/kde3/share/applnk. I just added an addiitonal directory structure under this directory: Science `-- Staden |-- Gap4.desktop |-- Pregap4.desktop |-- Spin.desktop |-- Stadenlaunch.desktop `-- Trev.desktop If you edit the menu as a regular user, the entries are only valid for yourself.