
Installing Staden 2003b on Suse 9

1. Download the sources.
2. cd into /usr/local and become su.
3. tar -xvzf /home/jeltsch/Documents/staden_linux_2003.0b1.tar.gz (jeltsch is my usename, thus has to be replaced for other users!!!!)
4. Edit your .bashrc file by adding the following two lines to its end:
export STADENROOT=/usr/local/staden_linux_2003.0b1
. $STADENROOT/staden.profile
5. Ready.

More about GCK2.5 under wine

After working with GCK2.5 under wine I have identified more bugs that make the program quit unexpectedly. However, now I have not been using cross-over office (as its evaluation period has expired and of course my boss wouldn't spend a cent for Linux programs). So I am using the default installation of wine that comes with Suse 9. I copied over the fake windows directory from the former .cxoffice directory. The following bugs do exist (they always appear when a window opens that requires you to enter alphanumeric values via the keyboard):
