We were migrating our server to the newest SuSE release. Based on previous bad experience we didn't want to upgrade the system, but instead install a completely new system and then migrate our data there. Here's the list of what we had to do to the default SuSE installation to migrate all our services and data:
- activate apache modules mode-perl & rewrite
- copy /etc/apache2/conf.d/backuppc.conf, /etc/apache2/conf.d/passwd and /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/yast2_vhosts.conf
- modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf adding our non-standard 1366x768 flat panel screen
- copy apache log files
- copy /etc/exports
- start nfs server
- add users with the correct uid (marzena 1000, jeltsch 1001, backuppc 1002, clemens 1003)
- copy /var/lib/mysql/*
- install backuppc (including chmodded /etc/init.d/suse-backuppc)
- copy kde wallets & gnupg preference folders
- rm -rf /srv/* and mount /dev/hda4 into /srv
- change /etc/apache2/uid.conf to user backuppc
- modify /etc/php/apache2/php.ini: memory_limit=64M, post_max_size=64M, upload_ax_filesize=128M
- activate NTP
- set /etc/hosts to: imac, michael-laptop
- copy /root/.ssh and /home/backuppc/.ssh
- create a ssh_login group and add all users but root, add line to /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow only members of the ssh_login group (don't do this if the computer is a backuppc client!)
- delete known_hosts files for user backuppc
- start apache and mysql