Running wine from a real windows install

I thought wine might run better from a real windows install. So I resized my partitions to free some 8 GB space. Unfortunately the partitioning software was not really great as I lost one of my partitions (the one where I had stored all of my downloads...). So I decided to go for a clean start and formatted the whole hard disk. First I partitioned the disk using cfdisk. Then I installed Windows98 from the installer CD onto the FAT32 partition, after that Windows2000 from the installer CD to another FAT32 partition (I wanted to install WindowsXP, but the installer CD refused to boot my computer). After that I reinstalled Suse 9 and copied back my home folder from my backup disk. So far wine works fine (after some minor adjustments in $home/.wine/config and mounting the Windows98 partition with

mount -t vfat -o uid=jeltsch,gid=users,fmask=644,dmask=755 /dev/hda1 /media/win98

Without giving the uid, gis, fmask and dmask options you won't be able to write anything to the partition.