
22 Ergebnisse exportiert:
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Enholm B, Karpanen T, Jeltsch M, Kubo H, Stenback F, Prevo R, u. a.. Adenoviral expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-C induces lymphangiogenesis in the skin. Circ Res [Internet]. 2001;88(6):623 - 9. Icon Bernd Enholm et al., Circulation Research 2001 (2.93 MB)
Veikkola T, Jussila L, Makinen T, Karpanen T, Jeltsch M, Petrova TV, u. a.. Signalling via vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 is sufficient for lymphangiogenesis in transgenic mice. EMBO J [Internet]. 2001;20(6):1223 - 31. Icon Tanja Veikkola et al., EMBO Journal 2001 (491.14 KB)
Mandriota SJ, Jussila L, Jeltsch M, Compagni A, Baetens D, Prevo R, u. a.. Vascular endothelial growth factor-C-mediated lymphangiogenesis promotes tumour metastasis. EMBO J [Internet]. 2001;20(4):672 - 82. Icon Stefano Mandriota et al., EMBO Journal 2001 (736.96 KB)
Mandriota SJ, Jussila L, Jeltsch M, Compagni A, Baetens D, Prevo R, u. a.. Vascular endothelial growth factor-C-mediated lymphangiogenesis promotes tumour metastasis. EMBO J [Internet]. 2001;20(4):672 - 82. Icon Stefano Mandriota et al., EMBO Journal 2001 (736.96 KB)