We have httpd-2.0.40-11.9 installed and configured at our domain registrars site that jeltsch.org, marzidesign.com and sundayscam.com are forwared to our IP address ( However, whatever site we requested from within our browser, the index.html files from vhost jeltsch.org was loaded. First it seemed that the browsers request didn't include the name of the server. Because in such cases the webservers serves the first vhost in the list (which is jeltsch.org). However, the problem was another one: Under the vhosts directives we had the following configuration:
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *>
ServerAdmin webmaster@jeltsch.org
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/vhosts/jeltsch.org
ServerName jeltsch.org
ServerAlias www.jeltsch.org
ErrorLog logs/jeltsch.org-error_log
CustomLog logs/jeltsch.org-access_log combined
and then all the other vhosts. When we changed these settings to the following ones, things started to work:
ServerAdmin webmaster@jeltsch.org
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/vhosts/jeltsch.org
ServerName jeltsch.org
ServerAlias www.jeltsch.org
ErrorLog logs/jeltsch.org-error_log
CustomLog logs/jeltsch.org-access_log combined
This is not nice as it requires us to change the IP number in the httpd.conf file every time our dynamically assigned ip address changes. In theory the * should work.