jeltsch's blog

Barrier (a software KVM switch)

Barrier is an incredible software that lets you use the same keyboard and mouse with different computers without the need for hardware. I have two computers on my desk, and I used to have a hardware KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) switch, which became obsolete when my computers started to output their video via HDMI. Hence, I have two keyboards on my desk, which is not very ergonomic. I knew about software solutions to this dilemma, but I never had the time to implement them, and I also did not want to pay a subscription fee for this luxury.

Reset the admin (user1) password in Drupal 9

Execute this from within the drupal directory

php core/scripts/ 'newPassword'
password: 'newPassword' hash: $S$EHKLUvRyA/5gpTqWsICIePmwOaQ4oPwMEAfRySELtZ4JdZ8uiYCo

Execute from within MySQL:

UPDATE users_field_data SET pass='$S$EHKLUvRyA/5gpTqWsICIePmwOaQ4oPwMEAfRySELtZ4JdZ8uiYCo' WHERE uid = 1;
DELETE FROM cache_entity WHERE cid = 'values:user:1';
