Quanta crashes during start-up (moving my account to a new user)

When I start Quanta as a regular user, it crashes. The output of the terminal is: jeltsch@michael-laptop:~> quanta QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key Invalid entry (missing '=') at /opt/kde3/share/apps/quanta/doc/javascript.docrc:241 TagAction::property( "accel" ) failed: property invalid or does not exist TagAction::property( "accel" ) failed: property invalid or does not exist TagAction::property( "accel" ) failed: property invalid or does not exist jeltsch@michael-laptop:~> However, when started as root, things work OK, although the error messages are the same. At the moment I changed the desktop entry from the start menu so that Quanta starts up as root. Of course, I have to allow access to my X windows, e.g. by executing xhost +. I created a new regular user (mjeltsch9 and executed quanta as mjeltsch, quanta worked also fine. Apparently something is fishy with some user-specific settings. I tried to figure out what, but to no avail. Therefore I decided to make a clean start. As root, I chowned recursively all files in my home directory to mjeltsch and moved them (excluding hidden files) into /home/mjeltsch. All hidden files I put into a new directory which I called old_dot_files. I might need some of these. Then I deleted my /home/jeltsch. Using Yast2, I deleted account "jeltsch" and changed the /home/mjeltsch into /home/jeltsch. Then, also in Yast2, I renamed the user mjeltsch into jeltsch and changed his home directory from /home/mjeltsch into /home/jeltsch. I also had to chown -R /tmp/mcop-jeltsch. Apparently everything works again, but all my desktop configuration is of course lost.