Gnome & KDE sessions autostart items

Always when I logged into a Gnome session, automatically several application started up without me wanting them to start up (two terminal sessions and a nautilus windows). To get rid of them (at least I think so, I will see at the next login), you have to go to Main Menu - Preferences - More preferences - Sessions. Under the "Current Session" tab, one can remove the programs that are automatically started upon login and also specify in which order the programs are started that are started automatically.

Creating Konqueror Service Menus (aka contextual menus)

Konqueror Service Menues are additonal options that are displayed when you right-click on a file in Konqueror. They are file-type specific, meaning you can define which options are displayed depending what type of file you are right-clicking. Mac-people call these "contextual menues". A good tutorial is https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Creating_Konqueror_Servic...
