jeltsch's blog

File Associations in KDE

I have many files in strange formats that can be opened by applications that are not installed by default on any Linux distribution. How do I teach KDE to recognize these files based on their endings (like .ab1) and to open them - when clicked - with the correct application? Go to Control Center -> KDE Components -> File Associations -> Add -> Leave Group "all" and type in some short, descriptive name (e.g. ABI trace file) -> Under "Filename patterns" put the file extension (or any other pattern that enables KDE to recognize the file; e.g.

Automatization of Sequence Handling (Staden's pregap4 and gap4)

Already a while ago I wrote a script, that tries to automatize most of the work involved in getting sequences from our ABI sequencer into a gap4 database. The script is far from perfect and looks like this:

!/bin/sh rm *.seq *.log Log\ file.txt for i in `ls *.ab1`; do echo "Renaming $i" mv $i `echo $i | sed "s/\(.\{27\}\).*/\1\.ab1/"` done ls *.ab1 *.txt > tracefile.list pregap4 -nowin -config /home/jeltsch/bin/pregap4_gap4.conf -fofn tracefile.list gap4 test.0.aux
