Staden 1.4 and Suse 9

I installed today the new Staden package (version 1.4) to my Suse 9. I included the lines:

export STADENROOT=/usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4 . $STADENROOT/staden.profile

in my ~/.bashrc file.
After this kprinter broke with the following error:

kprinter: /usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4/lib/linux-binaries/ no version information available (required by /opt/kde3/lib/

Apparently the usual file (/usr/lib/ is not anymore used because the staden linux-binary directory is listed in the PATH variable in the very beginning and thus overrides all other entries. Thus I replaced /usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4/lib/linux-binaries/ and by symbolic links to /usr/lib/

cd /usr/local/staden-linux-rel-1-4/lib/linux-binaries
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/

So far at least printing works without error messages, but I have not tried staden yet...