
Reset the admin (user1) password in Drupal 9

Execute this from within the drupal directory

php core/scripts/ 'newPassword'
password: 'newPassword' hash: $S$EHKLUvRyA/5gpTqWsICIePmwOaQ4oPwMEAfRySELtZ4JdZ8uiYCo

Execute from within MySQL:

UPDATE users_field_data SET pass='$S$EHKLUvRyA/5gpTqWsICIePmwOaQ4oPwMEAfRySELtZ4JdZ8uiYCo' WHERE uid = 1;
DELETE FROM cache_entity WHERE cid = 'values:user:1';

Reset Wirelesstag's outdoor probe's flash memory

I really like the products from However, the product documentation is sometimes less than complete and their staff less than professional. E.g. there is no information how to reset the outdoor probe when you need to associate it with another tag manager (and you have no access to the previous tag manager). They have information (and images) on how to do that for their wireless sensor tags, but not for the outdoor probe.