Suse Linux 9

Keeping preferences and similar stuff (e.g. password files, bookmarks) in sync between two different Linux distributions (unison)

I use unison to keep my kwallet syncronized between SuSE Linux 9.3 and 10.0. Of course one can use the same /home partition for both distros, but this can cause trouble due to differences in the program versions. Thus I only share /home/user/Documents among the distros and have separate /home/user/.preference files, some of which I syncronize during shutdown.
This is the /home/user/.unison/shared_resources.prf file:

Migrating my old mysql blog database to a new blog software (PluggedOut)

We updated my server from SuSE 9.3 to 10.1. php5 is the default on 10.1 and my blog software broke. As my blog software is not anymore maintained, I had to switch to another and I selected PluggedOut. The mysql database structures were quite different and this is what I did to do the conversion:

First I dumped the old database into textfiles:

mysqldump -u root -p --tab=/home/jeltsch/temp --fields-terminated-by=| --lines-terminated-by=# journal
