system service


Syncthing is one of the best tools for keeping folders synchronized across the internet. However, for one or the other reason, it occasionally stops to work on my Ubuntu 16.04 and because I use it in a "set it and forget it" fashion, I also forget how to check that it is operational.
Make it start automatically at boot time (as a system service): systemctl enable syncthing@username.service
Start the service: systemctl start syncthing@username.service

Start netatalk as system service during bootup on Suse Linux 9

I am missing from Suse Linux 9 a nice GUI that collects ALL system services with the options "start", "stop" and "start on every system boot". RedHat 9 has something like that. There is Yast2, but under the services, netatalk is not even listed. To boot netatalk during system boot, I just create manually a link: cd /etc/init.d/rc5.d sudo ln -s ../atalk S22atalk After rebooting (and to my surprise) my computer froze. No Ctrl-Alt-F2, no access via ssh; the only rescue being the physical reboot button button (something I am only used to from my Macintosh times).