
Wheel Mouse trouble with Suse Linux 9.2 (SaX2, xorg.conf, explorerps/2, ZAxisMapping)

I wanted to activate the wheen of my USB mouse, but everytime I went to Yast2 > Hardware > Mouse the X server crashed and threw me into a text console. Also using SaX2 didn't work (there is a button under Input devices > Properties > Activate mouse wheel). Funnily the wheel usind to work in 9.1.

Tunneling of remote X11 output to a local machine behind a firewall (ssh, X11, ForwardX11)

If X11 forwarding is globally disallowed in your local machine, you need to override this by editing ~/.ssh/config: Host hostname.domain.org ForwardX11 yes Then you just ssh into the remote machine hostname.domain.org: ssh -X username@hostname.domain.org And execute some program that outputs to X11, e.g.: xclock &