jeltsch's blog

Loosing your Windows softly

I have two hard drives and the partitioning is as follows:

hda1 120 GB
/dev/hda1 100 MB Linux ext3 /boot
/dev/hda2 95 GB Linux ext3 /home
/dev/hda3 1 GB Linux swap
/dev/hdb4 Extended partition
/dev/hdb5 17 GB Linux /

hdb1 32 GB
/dev/hdb1 100 MB Linux ext3 /boot
/dev/hdb2 1 GB Linux swap
/dev/hdb3 Extended partition
/dev/hdb4 12 GB NTFS Windows2000
/dev/hdb5 18 GB Linux reiserfs

Suse 9

I switched to Suse 9. I can't figure out from RedHat's announcements what they are really up to. So I better get used to an alternative right now. I also switched from Gnome to KDE and at least on Suse 9, I like KDE more than Gnome on Red Hat 9.
