jeltsch's blog

VNC server under Suse 9

I tried to use vncserver on Suse 9, but to my surprise upon starting up with "vncserver" and then connecting with the "vncviewer" command I only saw the grey screen and an X terminal. I tried to execute xclock and gaim and they start up nicely. However I would also like to bee able to start up KDE. So I looked into the xstartup file (in the .vnc directory in your home folder) from my old Red Hat 9 install and compared it to the one from my Suse 9 install:

RPM management

Example: The quanta package

rpm -q quanta Check whether and which version of quanta is installed

rpm -ql quanta List all files (and their installation location) that are provided by the quanta package

rpm -ivh quanta Install quanta

rpm -e quanta Erase (deinstall) quanta

rpm -aq | grep quanta If you don't know exactly what you are looking for you can list all packages and grep them with a substring.

rpm -q -f filename Search for rpm packages that provide filename

VNC server (aka KDE Desktop Sharing) under Suse 9

Suse 9 has an inbuilt VNC server called KDE Desktop sharing (under the System -> Remote Access menu). It can be configured in the Control Center -> Internet & Network. Unlike when you start up VNC via the command line ("vncserver") this tool doesn't start a new X desktop, but connects to your already existing X desktop. It is possible to run in addition to the inbuilt KDE Desktop Sharing a normal vncserver that starts its own X sessions.
