jeltsch's blog

How to rescue a bad X configuration during Suse 9 install

During my first Suse9 install I screwed up X. During the configuration of X the installer suggested to me: vesa 1600x1200@75. I thought I was smarter and went to the manual configuration and selected my Nokia 445Xi monitor from the list. Then it tried to switch into the new mode and gave me buttons to adjust the settings (centering, width, etc.). I did that and after I was satisfied continued the installation. When X was supposed to start up for the first time, my screen showed only "out of synch".

Creating Konqueror Service Menus (aka contextual menus)

Konqueror Service Menues are additonal options that are displayed when you right-click on a file in Konqueror. They are file-type specific, meaning you can define which options are displayed depending what type of file you are right-clicking. Mac-people call these "contextual menues". A good tutorial is
