Linux copy (cp)
By jeltsch on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 10:29In order to copy all xml files from one directory to another without overwriting existing files with the same name:
cp -vnpr /source/*.xml /destination
In order to copy all xml files from one directory to another without overwriting existing files with the same name:
cp -vnpr /source/*.xml /destination
I am using the cloud services at CSC and they do not allow ssh login with the traditional login/password combo.
When I want to make a bookmark in my file manager (Nemo) pointing to this location. I need to specify a rsa key file. that is used for the login. On the command line, it looks as follows:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/encypted_rsa_key.pem cloud-user@pouta
The swappiness parameter is available from