
Couldn't find MIME type application/octet-stream (Konquerer/Kdesktop)

This is copied from stuff/Linux_tips.html. I have used the second method as the desktop file appeared to be disfunctional judging from its content and had been created during the time when the error appeared first (that was when I was playing with the File associations section of the control center). KDE returns "Couldn't find MIME type application/octet-stream" at startup and/or Konqueror returns the same error message when launching whatever application.

File Associations in KDE

I have many files in strange formats that can be opened by applications that are not installed by default on any Linux distribution. How do I teach KDE to recognize these files based on their endings (like .ab1) and to open them - when clicked - with the correct application? Go to Control Center -> KDE Components -> File Associations -> Add -> Leave Group "all" and type in some short, descriptive name (e.g. ABI trace file) -> Under "Filename patterns" put the file extension (or any other pattern that enables KDE to recognize the file; e.g.

Automatization of Sequence Handling (Staden's pregap4 and gap4)

Already a while ago I wrote a script, that tries to automatize most of the work involved in getting sequences from our ABI sequencer into a gap4 database. The script is far from perfect and looks like this:

!/bin/sh rm *.seq *.log Log\ file.txt for i in `ls *.ab1`; do echo "Renaming $i" mv $i `echo $i | sed "s/\(.\{27\}\).*/\1\.ab1/"` done ls *.ab1 *.txt > tracefile.list pregap4 -nowin -config /home/jeltsch/bin/pregap4_gap4.conf -fofn tracefile.list gap4 test.0.aux
