
Passwordless login via the GUI and ssh defaults

I am using the cloud services at CSC and they do not allow ssh login with the traditional login/password combo.
When I want to make a bookmark in my file manager (Nemo) pointing to this location. I need to specify a rsa key file. that is used for the login. On the command line, it looks as follows:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/encypted_rsa_key.pem cloud-user@pouta

Mounting group directories via the fstab

At the University of Helsinki, one can apply for group directories, which is simply disk space on a NAS. These are easily mounted when you use a university-managed computer via the university menu, but what about if you use your own machine? At least for Ubuntu Linux, the way to mount these directories has changed multiple times during the years and it again broke recently. The current entry in the /etc/fstab file in my (Vanilla, non-university-managed) Ubuntu 16.04 is as follows:

# HY group directories
