
60 Ergebnisse exportiert:
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Filterkriterien: Autor is Jeltsch, Michael  [Alle Filter deaktivieren]
The basis for the distinct biological activities of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 ligands. Sci Signal. 2013;6(282):ra52. PDF Icon Anisimov 2013 Science Signaling (1.92 MB)PDF Icon Anisimov 2013 Science Signaling Supplement (2.09 MB)
Krebs R, Jeltsch M. Die lymphangiogenen Wachstumsfaktoren VEGF-C und VEGF-D. Lymphologie in Forschung und Praxis. 2013;17(1):30-37.
Krebs R, Jeltsch M. Die lymphangiogenic growth factors VEGF-C and VEGF-D. Part 2: The role of VEGF-C and VEGF-D in diseases of the lymphatic system. [bilingual: English, German]. Lymphologie in Forschung und Praxis [Internet]. 2013;17(2):96 - 104. Icon Krebs & Jeltsch (2013): The lymphangiogenic growth factors VEGF-C and VEGF-D. Part 2: The role of VEGF-C and VEGF-D in diseas... (3.88 MB)PDF Icon Krebs & Jeltsch (2013): Die lymphangiogenen Wachstumsfaktoren VEGF-C und VEGF-D. Teil 2. Die Rolle von VEGF-C und VEGF-D bei ... (2.6 MB)
Krebs R, Jeltsch M. The lymphangiogenic growth factors VEGF-C and VEGF-D. Part 1: Basic principles and embryonic development. [bilingual: English, German]. Lymphologie in Forschung und Praxis [Internet]. 2013;17(1):30 - 37. Icon Krebs & Jeltsch (2013): The lymphangiogenic growth factors VEGF-C and VEGF-D. Part 1: Fundamentals and embryonic development. (2.08 MB)PDF Icon Krebs & Jeltsch (2013): Die lymphangiogenen Wachstumsfaktoren VEGF-C und VEGF-D. Teil 1. Grundlagen und Embryonalentwicklung. (1.82 MB)
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase-Mediated Angiogenesis. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology [Internet]. 2013;5(9). Icon Jeltsch et al. (2013): Tyrosine Kinase-Mediated Angiogenesis. CSH Persp Biol (934.46 KB)
Structural and mechanistic insights into VEGF receptor 3 ligand binding and activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 2013;110(32):12960 - 12965.
A truncation allele in vascular endothelial growth factor c reveals distinct modes of signaling during lymphatic and vascular development. Development. 2013;140(7):1497-506. PDF Icon Villefranc 2013 (7.86 MB)
Functional Dissection of the CCBE1 Protein: A Crucial Requirement for the Collagen Repeat Domain. Circ Res [Internet]. 2015;116(10):1660-1669.
The genetic causes of primary lymphedema. In Erkrankungen des Lymphgefäßsystems. 6. Aufl. Cologne: Viavital Verlag; 2015. S. 210-229. PDF Icon Mattonet et al. 2015: The genetic causes of primary lymphedema. [English] (3.8 MB)PDF Icon Mattonet et al. 2015: The genetic causes of primary lymphedema. [German] (676.52 KB)
Heterogeneity of the origin of the lymphatic system. [German]. Lymphologie in Forschung und Praxis [Internet]. 2015;19(2):84-88. Icon Mattonet & Jeltsch 2015: Heterogeneity of the origin of the lymphatic system. (3.58 MB)PDF Icon Mattonet & Jeltsch 2015: Über die heterogene Herkunft des Lymphgefäßsystems. (288.77 KB)
Lymphangiogenesis in Health and Disease [Internet]. 41st European Societry of Lymphology (ESL) Congress. Lausanne, Switzerland: European Group of Lymphology; 2015. Icon Abstract of the Presentation (Michael Jeltsch) (75.34 KB)
Substrate efflux propensity is the key determinant of iPLA-β-mediated glycerophospholipid hydrolysised. Journal of Biological Chemistry [Internet]. 2015;. Icon J. Biol. Chem.-2015-Batchu-jbc.M115.642835.pdf (786.13 KB)
The TIE Receptor Family. In Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Family and Subfamilies [Internet]. Springer International Publishing; 2015. S. 743-775.
Factors regulating the substrate specificity of cytosolic phospholipase A2-alpha in vitro. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 2016;1861(11):1597. PDF Icon Batchu et al. - 2016 - Factors regulating the substrate specificity of cy.pdf (986.25 KB)
From Molecular Genetics and Biology to Effective Treatments of Lymphatic Disorders [Internet]. 42nd Congress of the European Society of Lymphology. Mulhouse, France; 2016. Icon Jeltsch 2016: From Molecular Genetics and Biology to Effective Treatments of Lymphatic Disorders (683.85 KB)
Functional Importance of a Proteoglycan Co-Receptor in Pathologic Lymphangiogenesis. Circulation Research [Internet]. 2016;119(2):210-221. Icon Johns et al. 2016: Functional Importance of a Proteoglycan Co-Receptor in Pathologic Lymphangiogenesis (3.69 MB)PDF Icon Johns et al. 2016: Functional Importance of a Proteoglycan Co-Receptor in Pathologic Lymphangiogenesis: Supplemental Data (3.3 MB)
Lymphatic Vessels in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering. Tissue Engineering Part B [Internet]. 2016;22(5):1-13. Icon Schaupper et al. Tissue Engineering Part B. Review (postprint manuscript = accepted version after peer review). (697.3 KB)
